Writing for wellbeing workshop
Thu, 10 Aug
The Birchall Trust in association with the Department of English Literature and Creative Writing at Lancaster University are holding two free Writing for Wellbeing workshops.

Time & Location
10 Aug 2023, 14:00 – 16:00
Lancaster, King's Community Church, Kings Community Church, Phoenix St, Lancaster LA1 1DD, UK
About the Event
The Birchall Trust in association with the Department of English Literature and Creative Writing at Lancaster University are holding two free Writing for Wellbeing workshops. These pilot workshops are open to female clients in touch with The Birchall Trust's services aged 18-25. It will be running in the weeks of 10th and 17th August 2-4pm. We are looking for up to twelve clients who are able to commit to both workshops.
Our aim is to create a safe space to encourage journaling for wellbeing, develop techniques for writing and mindfulness, as well as using creative writing as a tool to empower and inspire.
The workshops will be run by Dr Zoe Lambert and Dr Sara Wasson. Counsellors from the Birchall Trust will be present to help support.